Inner Transformation

“Inner Transformation is Accepting the Truth as it is, Awareness of the real from the unreal, and Awakening from the dream state to the eternal!” ~ Sri Shylesh

The Spiritual Science of Inner Transformation

Inner Transformation is the art and science of attaining a deep spiritual knowing that is not found in doctrines, dogmas, theories, books, in intellectual pondering, or in the past or distant future. It is a gradual or sudden process of an awakening experience that reveals the unfolding of the mystery of life. 

Meditation is the process of observing thoughts in a complete state of acceptance with awareness without judgement or analysis. By maintaining a constant state of awareness, the mind starts to quiet down by shedding old thought patterns, beliefs, and stressors to move from a state of reaction and charged emotion to an enhanced ability to respond to a situation with wisdom and insight.


Through the practice of Anandam Meditation, you are rewiring the brain’s neural networks and its chemical communication to all the physiological responses of stress in the body. When our nervous system moves out of the high alert mode of stress, we are able to get into a rest and repair mode in the body.


In every moment, we face conflict and challenges. When you get depressed, you are in a state of resistance – unaccepting of your life as it is, your relationship with yourself and others. When you are anxious and worried, you are living in the future, a space and time that has not yet come about that is far from the present moment. What we resist persists and the same challenges come up again and again. It is when we learn to embrace and accept who we are in the moment, that a sense of wholeness comes into our perspective. Acceptance helps us overcome our patterns of how we engage with life from a place of fear, lack of self-love.


Acceptance helps us to overcome our patterns of how we engage with life from a a place of fear an lack of self-love. To accept where you are in the present is the first step. Awareness of how we co-create this reality and the expression of all relationships within it is the second step. This knowing enables us to move into a place of right response instead of reaction. Awakening is the 3rd step that combines acceptance and awareness leading to a sense of connection to all and leads to clear and focused action with no attachment to outcome. The sense of Do-ership falls away and only the pure Universal Oneness remains resulting in an ever-abiding state of Being.

Through Anandam Meditation we experience reality as an observer, the witnessing principle of our experiences without getting entangled or attached to the circumstance or situation that we face. An ongoing practice brings about complete dissolution of thoughts of the finite to the infinite, from a limited state of doing to a limitless state of being.   Awaken to the real nature and essence of you!  

How to Practice the AUM Chant
"The experience was amazing; it was a very complete and comprehensive guided meditation that really tapped into your mind and made you relax. Gayathri and Shylesh were exceptional hosts all throughout. Would definitely recommend to anyone."
July, 2018
"The meditation experience has been extraordinary! Gayathri and Shylesh are exceptional welcoming and caring people, I felt so good and deeply emotional so soon as I stepped into their meditation room! The meditation is an excellent moment to connect with inner peace and calmness and I found it a very powerful tool for reaching clarity of mind."
July, 2018